ASOPRS Life Membership

Life Fellow Membership

Life Fellow Membership is available to Members in Good Standing who meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Reached seventy (70) years of age
  • Have been a member in good standing for at least thirty-five (35) years
  • Fully retired from the practice of OPS and ophthalmology

Life Fellow Members have the same voting rights and can attend the meetings with the same privileges, participate in a quorum for the purposes of voting, and hold appointed office. Life Fellow Members cannot hold an elected office. Life Fellow Members may participate in committees and workgroups as described in the Bylaws and/or the Committee Charters of the Society. 

Click here to apply for Life Fellow Membership. 

Life Fellow Members are exempt from annual dues. If a Life Member elects to continue receiving OPRS, they will be billed for the cost. Contact [email protected] for more information.

If a request is made and approved in the first three months of the year, the current year’s dues will be waived. If a request is made and approved after March 31, the current year's dues must be paid in full before the status is granted.