Podcast Workgroup

Develop openly accessible audio content (podcasts) of interest to ASOPRS Members.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Research, produce, and edit openly accessible audio content (podcasts).

Composed of a Chair, Continuing Education Director, and at least seven (7) members. 

Members shall have experience in the development of accessible audio content, or other educational formats. Chair shall have served on the Workgroup.

Members shall serve a two (2) year term and may be appointed to an additional two (2) year term. Chair shall serve a two (2) year term and may be appointed to an additional two (2) year term.

Time Commitment
15-20 hours per year.

2024 Workgroup Members
Grant Moore, Chair
Pete Setabutr, Continuing Education Director
Kian Eftekhari
David Samimi
Seanna Grob
Cat Burkat
Natalie Homer
Lilangi Ediriwickrema
Evan Kalin-Hadju