Fellowship Oversight Committee

To oversee and ensure the quality of OPS fellowship training programs. 

Primary Responsibilities

  • Ensure OPS program requirements are effectively implemented.
  • Provide further internal review as needed on the evaluation of fellowships being designated as In Compliance but Monitored or Not in Compliance. 

Composed of ex-officio members:  
1. Fellowship Education Director, Chair
2. Assistant Fellowship Education Director
3. Immediate Past Fellowship Education Director
4. President-Elect

The Chair shall be the Fellowship Education Director and serve during their time in Office. Ex-officio members serve during their time in Office.

Time Commitment
30-40 hours per year.

2025 Committee Members
Cat Burkat, Fellowship Education Director, Chair
Cameron Nabavi, Assistant Fellowship Education Director
Reza Vagefi, Immediate Past Fellowship Education Director
John Ng, President Elect